Bali shopping tours

Bali shopping tours.

Lode has been running her own private shopping tours for many years.

She has found some amazing places and has great relationships with her suppliers.

​ Looking for Furniture, Homewares, Gazebo’s, water features, statues anything your heart desires she can take you there!

Lode will plan a day to take you around to the shops that are best suited to you.

If you are using Unique Imports importing service we only charge you the hire of the car.
So for $75 between you we can take you and your friends on a shopping adventure!!!

To book your Bali shopping tour

Phone Lode in Bali on 081338008821.

or email 'Lode' on


email us and we can contact 'Lode' for you.

For more information. 

Freight from Bali

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